For yet another year, on the last Friday of September, or on 29.09 of this year, in Varna took place the European Night of Scientists.
The event was held simultaneously in around 300 cities in Europe and across the world, while the locations in Bulgaria were already 11.
The Botanic Gardens for the first time participate as an associate partner of the Institute of Oceanology “Prof. Fridtjof Nansen” – the BAS, and the Technical University of Varna. The event was realized under the FRESH (Find Researchers Everywhere and SHare) Project, funded by the European Commission in connection with the “Maria Sklodovska-Curie” activities of the “Horizon 2020” Programme.
The stand of the gardens brought freshness and greenery to the programme. Our primary goal was to acquaint the guests of the event with the work of a botanic garden, as well as with its primary missions. The tables were divided in two thematic sections. On one hand, the youngest visitors took part in the botanic workshop on replanting and rooting of cacti and succulents, and learned more about the propagation and adaptation of the plants. And on the other hand, our colleagues presented little known aquatic plants, as well as exotic insect eating plants. Greatest was the interest in the watering-pot, the Salvinia natans, and in the insect eating plant Sarracenia hybrid “Dana's Delight”. During the Night there were presented also the two up-to-date projects of the gardens – the Big Picnic and the HEI PLADI.