Garden: Sofia
Category: BIG PICNIC, Events, Food
Date published: 04.09.2017

The “urban gardening” topic attracted the interest of people of all ages

The first one of a sequence of Traveling Exhibitions in Bulgaria within the international project focused on the problems of food security was held in the University Botanic Garden – Sofia. Via a sequence of interactive demonstrations and discussions the guests of the Exhibition became acquainted with the concept of the BIG PICNIC: Big Questuons Project. The participants took part in the preparation of a conceptual map, which is to help in the establishment of a general understanding referring to food safety in this country. Underlined was the responsibility in the import and production of quality foods, the active role of the consumers in purchasing them, as well as the need of organizing a community that is to simultaneously uphold the need of both healthy nutrition and of sustainable production, transportation and consumption.
Children and adults got acquainted with the essence of urban gardening and with the real opportunities of exercising it in the big city. The popular contemporary trend of vertical gardening made a strong impression and provoked a desire in the visitors to create their own space for edible plant species and spices in their homes.
Chef Chakarov arouse the curiosity of the audience with his culinary demonstration of a healthy, delicious and enjoyable to prepare home-made appetizer with a variety of products grown in the University Botanic Gardens. The most critical audience – in the face of the children actively participated in the arrangement of the food, the tasting and in the adding of good ideas.
The thematic exhibition presenting traditional and little known plant species that find seasonal place on our table was exhibited in the park section during the weekend and was visited by hundreds of people. The youngest visitors took part in a botanic workshop, and they planted their favorite spice for the first time.
At the end of the month of September the Exhibition will be presented to the attention of the citizens and guests in Balchik and Varna, once again hosted by the University Botanic Gardens.